Botanica Drama
Par Thom (CA)
"A funny, funky, and fresh fantasy adventure with a surprisingly powerful meditation on mortality."
--François Vigneault, author of TITAN
After rising day after day for billions of years, the Sun -- recovering from a bit too much celestial partying the night before -- makes a fateful decision to stay in bed. With the Earth plunged into darkness, everyone from Philomène the flower to Death itself face dire consequences, trapped in an everlasting winter and surrounded by mysterious creatures that have emerged from the shadows. Can anything make the Sun shine again?
Publishers Weekly Spring 2024 Adult Comics & Graphic Novels Preview Selection
--François Vigneault, author of TITAN
After rising day after day for billions of years, the Sun -- recovering from a bit too much celestial partying the night before -- makes a fateful decision to stay in bed. With the Earth plunged into darkness, everyone from Philomène the flower to Death itself face dire consequences, trapped in an everlasting winter and surrounded by mysterious creatures that have emerged from the shadows. Can anything make the Sun shine again?
Publishers Weekly Spring 2024 Adult Comics & Graphic Novels Preview Selection