Slow Boat

Par Hideo Furukawa

$18.95 ISBN: 9781782273288

A startling novella from the heir to Haruki Murakami and Gabriel García Márquez

Trapped in Tokyo, left behind by a series of girlfriends, the narrator of Slow Boat sizes up his situation. His missteps, his violent rebellions, his tiny victories. But he is not a passive loser, content to accept all that fate hands him. He attempts one last escape to the edges of the city, holding the only safety net he has known - his dreams.

Filled with lyrical longing and humour, Slow Boat captures perfectly the urge to get away and the necessity of finding yourself in a world which might never even be looking for you.


Dans les deux langues SVP!

Nos libraires sont experts en littérature en français et en anglais. Disons adieu aux « deux solitudes » !

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