The Monkey King's Amazing Adventures

Par Wu Cheng'en

$21.95 ISBN: 9780804842723
Discover the thrilling exploits of this unlikely hero in China's most famous traditional novel.

This classic Chinese epic tells the story of the Monkey King, his incredible origin and downfall, and his epic quest to redeem himself with his trusted companions, as they face fantastic foes, demons, and monsters and during their travels to the Western paradise.

The talented, wily Monkey King was used to getting what he wanted—unimaginable strength, eternal life, even a position in the Celestial Realm with the gods. But his mischief gets him into trouble, the Monkey King finds himself wanting to be good and strong enough to help the monk Xuanzang on his mission to bring Buddhist Scriptures—and enlightenment—to China.

Readers will thrill to Timothy Richard's retelling of the Monkey King's exploits, whether in the Dragon King's underwater castle, the Halls of the Dead, or the palace of Buddha himself. Featuring a detailed introduction by scholar Daniel Kane, this edition of The Money King's Amazing Adventures is sure to delight readers of all ages.

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