Year's Best Canadian Fantasy and Science-Fiction (Volume 1)

Par Collectif (CA)

$24.95 ISBN: 9780993937590
Award winners. Award finalists. Hidden gems. All Canadian. All in one anthology.

Year’s Best Canadian Fantasy & Science Fiction: Volume One showcases the powerful, award-winning fantastical fiction being written by Canadians today.

Discover the magic woven by more than three dozen of Canada’s finest established and emerging fantasy and science fiction writers, including Premee Mohamed, Peter Watts, Kate Heartfield, Ai Jiang, Eric Choi, and Suzan Palumbo, among others.

From hard science fiction that propels you through the cosmos to haunting fantasy that lingers in the recesses of your imagination, join these writers as they explore the wonderous, the contemporary, the futuristic, and what it means to be human—all through the lens of the fantastic.

Curated by award-winning author and anthologist Stephen Kotowych, and selected from top markets like 
AnalogF&SFLightspeedOn SpecStrange Horizons, and, the Year’s Best Canadian Fantasy and Science Fiction is your definitive guide to the very best fantastical fiction written by Canadians today.

Featuring stories and poems that were winners and finalists for the Aurora Award, Nebula Award, Locus Award, Ignyte Award, Prix Solaris, World Fantasy Award, the Rhysling Award, and many more.

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