Crossing the Water

Par Sylvia Plath

$21.95 ISBN: 9780571330096

Crossing the WaterandWinter Trees contain the poems written during the exceptionally creative period of the last years of Sylvia Plath's life. Published posthumously in 1971, they add a startling counterpoint toAriel, the volume that made her reputation. Readers will recognise some of her most celebrated poems - 'Childless Woman', 'Mirror', 'Insomniac' - while discovering those still overlooked, including her radio playThree Women.These two extraordinary volumes find their place alongsideThe ColossusandArielin the oeuvre of a singular talent.

'Nearly all the poems here have the familiar Plath daring, the same feel of bits of frightened, vibrant, indignant consciousness translated instantly into words and images that blend close, experienced horror and icy, sardonic control.' Alan Brownjohn,New Statesman


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