The Memory of Babel

Par Christelle Dabos

$19.95 ISBN: 9781609456573

“The Mirror Visitor stands on the same shelf as Harry Potter.”—Elle Magazine

In this gripping third volume of the Christelle Dabos’s best-selling saga, Ophelia, the mirror-traveling heroine, finds herself on the ark of Babel guarding a secret that may provide a key both to the past and the future.

After two years and seven months biding her time on Anima, her home ark, it is finally time to act, to put what she has discovered in the Book of Farouk to use. Under an assumed identity she travels to Babel, a cosmopolitan and thoroughly modern ark that is the jewel of the universe.

Will Ophelia’s talent as a reader suffice to avoid being lured into a deadly trap by her ever more fearful adversaries? Will she ever see Thorn, her betrothed, again?

“Ophelia is...the tiny-voiced powerhouse you can’t take your eyes off.”—The New York Times


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