Themes in Roman Society and Culture

Par Collectif

$75.99 $94.99 ISBN: 9780199029976

An Introduction to Ancient Rome, Second Edition

Edited by Matt Gibbs, Milorad Nikolic and Pauline Ripat

Focused on the period 200 BCE to 300 CE, this contributed volume provides a thematic introduction to the social aspects of ancient Rome - its composition, institutions, structures, and cultural products - and challenges students to consider Roman society as more than a series of chronological events.

Readership : Themes in Roman Society and Culture 2e targets introductory courses in ancient history that focus on ancient Roman society and culture, which are usually found in first or second year in Classics departments at universities.


  • "The book is thematic and timely, and provides a solid introduction to Roman society."
    -Georgina Irby, College of William & Mary

  • "A well-organized, thematic, and modern approach to the study of Roman civilization. It covers a wide range of topics and provides students with a solid introduction to the field."
    -Timothy Pettipiece, Carleton University

  • "This is an excellent book that I'm very much looking forward to using. It is thoughtful and challenging while remaining accessible."
    -Cristiana Zaccagnino, Queen's University

  • "A very strong contribution to the available undergraduate textbooks for Roman history."
    -Alyson Roy, University of Idaho

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