I Hate Summer: My tribulations with seasonal depression, anxiety, plumbers, spiders, neighbours, and the world

Par Michelle Franklin

$20.00 ISBN: 9781542858625
This is a compendium about my daily battle with depression, anxiety, hot weather, and militant introversion. It is also about plumbers, spiders, loud neighbours, video games, books, and cats.This book is not a therapy book for those who suffer with depression or anxiety, nor is this book intended as a disparagement or a glorification of my mental and social difficulties; it is merely a record of how I have learned to cope with them, and is intended as a comedy not a tragedy. I invite everyone to laugh along with me through one of the worst years of my life, and hope that by reading about my tribulations, you will come to understand why I hate summer.

Dans les deux langues SVP!

Nos libraires sont experts en littérature en français et en anglais. Disons adieu aux « deux solitudes » !

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